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Data collection with AKVO FLOW

The Empower Youth for Work (EYFW) project in Indonesia is teaming up with Akvo Flow to collect data on youth.
The collaboration hopes to map out where this group is living and help identify strategic places to establish hubs.

Furthermore the mapping seeks to provide information on product preferences that can be used as ideas for strategic
campaigning. The data collection will be targeted in 3 provinces; Indramayu (led by Indonesia Business Links), South Sulawesi (led by Oxfam in Makassar) and Southeast Sulawesi (led by Aliansi Desa Sejahtera ).

As member of the consortia, Akvo trains Oxfam and partners to use the mobile data collection tool to support youth mapping activities. Before using the tool, partners participate in a 4 day training  to learn about the tool's core functionalities and practise how to use it for designing surveys.  To avoid double counting of beneficiaries, the database helps trace and monitor participants. The project is led by Akvo South East Asia, Pacific's Satya Nugraha and Aulia Rahman in Jakarta.

More information on Akvo FLOW data collection tool? Watch the video below.

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